Passkey Storage
constructor(apiKey: String, encryption: PortalEncryption = PortalEncryption(PortalMobileMpc()), requests: PortalRequests = PortalRequests(), webAuthnHost: String = "", preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Boolean = false)
Constructs a new PasskeyStorage
api Key
The API key used for authenticating requests to the backend services.
An instance of PortalEncryption used for encrypting and decrypting data. Defaults to a new PortalEncryption instance with a PortalMobileMpc.
An instance of PortalRequests for handling HTTP requests. Defaults to a new PortalRequests instance.
web Authn Host
The base URL of the WebAuthn service host. Defaults to "".
prefer Immediately Available Credentials
A boolean flag indicating whether to prefer immediately available credentials during authentication. Defaults to false
constructor(relyingPartyId: String, relyingPartyOrigins: List<String>, webAuthnHost: String = "", preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Boolean = false)
This is now deprecated since all backup methods are initialized by default now. Please use the `Portal.configurePasskeyStorage()` method.