Portal Web View
A custom WebView implementation for interacting with Portal services, handling JavaScript messaging, Ethereum and Solana transactions, and blockchain interactions.
The context in which the WebView is being used.
Optional attribute set for customizing the WebView.
Optional default style attribute.
Determines whether the WebView should automatically clean up resources when detached from the window. Defaults to true
Callback invoked to track loading progress of the WebView.
Callback invoked when a page has fully loaded in the WebView.
Callback invoked when a new page starts loading in the WebView.
Callback invoked when the WebView URL changes.
Callback to determine whether the WebView should override URL loading.
Disables JavaScript execution and message handling in the WebView.
Enables JavaScript execution and message handling in the WebView.
Initializes the Portal configuration required for the WebView.
Updates the blockchain chain ID in both the configuration and JavaScript context.
Updates the blockchain chain ID inside the JavaScript environment.
Updates the RPC URL in the JavaScript environment.