
fun configurePasskeyStorage(relyingPartyId: String, relyingPartyOrigins: List<String>, webAuthnHost: String = "")

Configures the Passkey storage for backup.

This function is responsible for setting up the necessary parameters for using Passkey as a backup method. It configures the underlying PasskeyStorage instance with the provided relying party information and the WebAuthn host.



The identifier of the relying party (e.g., the domain of your application). This ID is crucial for WebAuthn operations and must match the registered relying party ID on the WebAuthn server.


A list of origins (e.g., "", "") that are allowed to interact with the relying party. These origins define the scope within which Passkey credentials can be used.


The URL of the WebAuthn server responsible for managing Passkey authentication and related operations. Defaults to "". This should point to the correct WebAuthn server for your setup.